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Top tips for flying with a baby ✈️🦋👩‍🍼

Writer's picture: letitiacracknell01letitiacracknell01

We took our 7 month old on his first ever flight in July and I wanted to share what I found worked so that it might benefit others as well!

I reckon these would also be good tips for other ages, particularly from sitting age to an older baby but would potentially work for younger as well!

No.1: Bring lots of toys!!!

New and old! I ordered some new ones and filled a bag with them and old ones. He was fascinated by the new ones and each individual toy would keep him entertained for about 20 mins whilst he worked out what to do with it!

Our favourite toys were:

A busy board, Pack of monster trucks, Sensory and teething toys, finger puppets And Baby Einstein Gears of discovery!

(Links at the bottom)

No.2: snacks!

Whilst we didn’t have to use the snacks on the plane becuase we did not eat, they were super handy for distracting whilst in the airport and on the transfer to the hotel. We only gave him snacks that were not a choking hazard and that were not too messy  as we didn’t want to be taking 100s of change of clothes with us! Our go to is always cucumber sticks!

No.3: use a dummy/feed to help with their ears!

On take off I fed Forrest as he was luckily due a feed and once he had enough milk we then gave him his dummy. Strangely he normally only takes it when he’s tired but he happily took it on take off, I think he realised it helped his ears and then he took it out once we had reached cruiesing height! We have the bibs pacifier clip and container ( ) which were lifesavers traveling with a baby on the plane to make sure he didn’t throw his dummy down the plane 🤦🏽‍♀️ and the box kept spare dummies sterile incase he did manage to work out how to make his one dirty! 😂 baby ear defenders are also highly recommended, we had ours but didn’t need to use them but if you know your baby doesn’t take a dummy these are a good alternative!

No.4: use nappy changing to break it up!

Maybe a strange one but I found when Forrest was getting fidgety and the toys weren’t cutting it anymore, a nappy change was perfect! It helped him feel more comfortable but he also liked the walk down the plane looking at everyone (we have a very noisey baby) and stretching out on the changing mat in the toilets! It is cramped but very doable and Forrest thought it was hilarious with all the mirrors he could see himself in!

No.5: take a travel buggy!

We hired a travel buggy from the bubba hub! Melissa was amazing at helping me pick the right one as I’m very indecisive and kept changing my mind! In the end we went for the baby zen yoyo 2. It was perfect for what we needed to use it for, it was able to fold down small go in a travel bag and take on the plane as hand luggage! Which was a life saver the other end to put him straight in it when off the plane to go through security and baggage claim! Linked the website here so you can hire what you need!!!

No.6: don’t get caught up on timings!!

Our plane was delayed by an 1&1/2 and we thought that was it we were doomed because now Forrest’s nap times were unaligned and he would never settle! But we were wrong! They totally have their own minds and he was so happy with the amount of stimulation he was getting he then had a nap a bit earlier then we thought but actually worked out perfect for our flight! They do what they like these babies and if they change the routine my best advice is don’t stress and just go with it becuase as long as they’re happy you’ll be fine!

No.7: pack more minimally than you think!

The last tip is don’t pack a months worth when only going for a week/10 days! It’s not needed! Worst case scenario you need to find a shop out there but we found they still had baby wipes and baby items (not the same brands) that worked for us for a few days till we got home! Everyone tells you to pack minimal and you won’t believe them as I didn’t but I quickly realise that he needed more swim wear then outfits and more swim nappies then normal nappies! He mostly lived in vests! So don’t go overboard take a few spares but you honestly don’t need to take the whole house!!!

I truly could go on and on about what we needed what worked for us and how it all went but these are my top tips! And I think a lot of the other tips I have would be very specific to individuals!

We had a lovely experience with tui The air stewards/ stewardesses were so helpful and attentive, they really couldn’t do enough to help us feel confident and comfortable flying for the first time with a baby!

Overall I would say just really try not to stress! Once you get to your holiday destination your wonder what all the stress was about and wish you had just packed and enjoyed the airport experience!

Best wishes

Letitia and Forrest 💕

Links to some of the toys we found useful 🥰


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