Top tip 1 -
Always pack the bag/s the night before....
Top Tip 2 -
Always have at least one calendar; create your own bespoke one to better suit you and your families needs and print out. At home I have two, a monthly calendar for events, schedules etc and then a weekly calendar that I have uniform requirements, kit bags, extra activities, ad-hoc extras, special days at school, pick up and drop off times etc...
Top tip 3 -
Order online a food shop once a week; I use Tesco, each week where I do my essentials, then I go to the recipe area, pick recipe's depending on the time to prepare of each one, time to cook, cost and ingredients. I then add these recipes to my shopping list - So easy! Then send the recipes for the week on my email or my WhatsApp. I also send to my husband so whoever is home first after work and collecting the kids can start the cooking. I also look at the recipes against the school menus' in the day to ensure they are having a varied diet and an array of meats, fish fruit and vegetables between home, nurseries and schools etc.
All the recipe items delivered at your door with your food shop - So easy
Top tip 4 -
Time for you; Make sure you have time for you each week - it maybe an hour or so at least a week, to have a bath, read a book, do a class or go for a run. Don't forget YOU amongst all the busyness of running a house hold - you will be much more efficient if you do allocate some time for you each week!
Top Tip 5 -
Always where possible fill the car up with fuel/energy to the maximum - save time on petrol trips!
Top Tip 6 -
Tidy as you go, try not to leave it till the next day!
Top Tip 7 -
Always have a list, tick it off, make a new list
Sebrina x