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Theatre for all ages....

Updated: Feb 10, 2024

When I was younger, I don’t remember going to the theatre, it’s only as I have grown older and have had my own family that I feel my evolving relationship with the theatre really.

One of my priorities is to adventure as many different experiences as possible and share these moments with my family. I want to open my children’s eyes to the wonder of the world.

When I grew up, I thought that going to theatre was a special occasion, a treat, one that you would dress up to…. Which it is, but it’s also more than that. The theatre is different every day, and it is for all ages, stages and every occasion from dressing up events to a relaxed outing.

Recently I have noticed that I go in the theatre for so many different things. Sometimes it’s a dress up special occasion. But sometimes it’s a chuck on whatever and be comfy. We are so lucky on the south coast of Dorset to have 'The Light house Poole' right on our doorstep, it has buses, taxis, carparks and a train station just outside! You can go to watch a variety of shows, a film, a music artist, a comedian, a pantomime, family showings, exhibitions, and there is even a café aswell as the bar.

I try and take my own children to the theatre every school holidays at least. We may go as a family to watch something together,  with friends, or as a school group, as a mummy or even daughter one on one time. Every time we go we have a different experience but equally as wonderful.

So many worries I hear people say ‘my children won’t sit that long’…. The theatre isn’t just sit down and watch, It really has something for all ages. I never worry about taking the children. When I go to the theatre with my children to the family events, everyone is in the same boat, all the children are giggling, dancing, clapping, jumping up and down and it creates a totally awesome environment. Time and time again I see the children and their energy make these events, they light up the room and they make the theatre a vibrant place to be.

The studio rooms start from 2 years plus. There are so many interactive performances, pantomimes, shows and the children really do get involved. Theatre from a young age really is such a benefit. Opening eyes of our future generation to create and nurture their own imagination and to know that your mind has no limitations, they can create and make believe whatever their heart desires with no limitations.

The Early Years curriculum promotes the development of children’s artistic and cultural awareness as this supports their creativity and imagination. I believe that getting through those theatre doors from a young age so that not only does the child grow with the theatre, but the theatre grows with the child. A love of culture and celebration can be embedded as a concrete platform as one develops and grows.

It is great to know that whether I go to watch a show for a date night with my husband, or the Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra with a friend , or a performance in the studio with the children, we are always met with friendly faces, clean environment with clean toilets and a great buzzing atmosphere around the theatre and their is always a variety of refreshments available and I’m guaranteed a utterly fabulous time!

2023 has had some real highlights for me, a few of these were at the lighthouse, watching ‘SIX’ the Musical, ‘Dinosaur world’ with the children and some of our friends, ‘Jen Brista’ with the girls, a date might drinking Prosecco and watching ‘The Bournemouth symphony Orchestra’ taking my daughter on a mummy and daughter date to watch ‘The Little Mermaid’ and meeting the performers’ and watching ‘The Woman in black’ which really got my heart beating… plus much more.. I know that every time I walk through those doors at the Lighthouse I am going to be leaving with a completely different experience. I have just picked up the programme for 2024 and I just can’t wait…

Make sure you find out what’s on at your local theatre and what they have to offer.

The theatre really is for everyone,

Sebrina xxx

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