Hi, my names Letitia and I’m a new first time mummy to my gorgeous little 11 week old called Forrest!
Forrest came into this world just before Christmas on the 23 of December 2023, and from then on has been the centre of our world. With so much to learn and adapt to for both me, my partner James and of course little Forrest. It has definitely been a journey so far!
We love every moment but mummy hood is not all rainbows and sunshine everyday! There’s definitely bits that people don’t tell you about until you have a baby, we joke that it’s a whole secret club! After nearly 3 months we are staring to find our rhythm, however every time you think you’ve got it sorted and understand what they need, they decide to change and mix it all up!
I found out I was pregnant at the very end of April 2023. When I saw the positive test I was so excited but a huge mixture of nervous and scared. It’s a very worrying time the first few weeks, and it wasn’t a super easy ride for us. Two days after finding out I was pregnant I was in hospital for an emergency scan due to bleeding.
We got to the 12 week scan and after finding out everything was perfect with our little bean it was full steam ahead announcing our little one to the world, organizing a gender reveal and buying all the shiny bits for a new baby!
Being pregnant through the summer with morning sickness is tough but it was so special to embrace my bump, wearing gorgeous dresses, taking pics in sunflower fields and sipping on mocktails! I was extremely grateful for october autumnal weather when it finally arrived!
Then it got hectic, hitting home that it was the last few weeks just being me and James. We made sure we made the most of all the time, going out for dinners, our last time away just us, babyshower and just full getting ready at home. And before we knew it December had rolled around.
Completing my last pregnancy yoga session with the wonderful Dulcie from Joyfull mamas https://www.instagram.com/joyfullmamas?igsh=cmo3dDdwazViZjN4on on the Tuesday and having what I was unaware of my last midwife appointment on Wednesday morning we were getting closer to meeting our gorgeous bean boy! On the Friday morning I woke with period like pains and knew that was the day! The following day Forrest came into the world at 12:50am and had made our days perfect ever since.
Now on maternity leave I’ve been doing lots of new things putting myself out of my comfort zone. Including starting a TikTok where I’ve been sharing what we get up to and the things we’ve found enjoyable! Please go over to it following this link: https://www.tiktok.com/@letitiacracknell?_t=8kdygOzAKO1&_r=1 and give me a follow if you like the look of what we’ve been up to so far!
It’s totally a rollacoster but I wouldn’t change it for the world. I look forward to continue to sharing my journey into first time motherhood with you 🥰
Letitia 💕
Love this darling Letitia 💕💕💕 welcome to Mamahood xxx